Nutrition ServicesCommunity Health & Wellness offers nutrition counseling services with a registered dietitian-nutritionist. Nutrition is key to the optimal management of many health conditions.
860-489-0931 | Torrington, Winsted, North Canaan |
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Nutrition ServicesCommunity Health & Wellness offers nutrition counseling services with a registered dietitian-nutritionist. Nutrition is key to the optimal management of many health conditions.
Our nutritionist will individualize a plan just for you, so that the time and resources you have available for eating better will bring the greatest results.
A visit or series of visits can help you to implement simple yet powerful changes in your diet that will support better health and well being. Proper Nutrition can improve the following conditions:
For more information, call 860-489-0931 or email Elizabeth Caruthers at [email protected].
469 Migeon Avenue, Torrington, CT 06790 (860) 489-0931 Fax (860) 489-3325 Monday to Friday, 8:30am -5:00pm Thursdays, 8:30am-8:00pm |
10 Center Street, Winsted, CT 06098 (860) 238-4211 Fax (860) 489-3325 Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm |
6-8 East Main Street, North Canaan, CT 06018 (860) 362-5101 Fax (959) 227-9008 Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm |
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